Tuesday, August 9, 2016


sources of stress

There are other causes of stress besides experiencing positive or negative events in your life.  What events or situations trigger stress for you?  For some it is financial worries, for others it might be relationship conflict, and for others it is work - related stress. 
Even positive events, such as getting married, starting a new job, moving to a new place can be stressors.  Going on vacation can be stressful as you get things done ahead of time to prepare for being away, pack your belongings, spend money on the trip and completely change your routine.  Any type of change in your life has the potential to trigger a stressful response.

Because stress involves a physiological response, it has a direct link to your physical and psychological health.  The work of Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe have found direct connections between changes in people’s lives  and physical illness.  They developed a widely used inventory, called the Social Readjustment Rating Scale, to assess the degree of stress people experience in connection with particular life events.  While one of these events alone might be tolerable, a combination of too many life changes within a short period of time is more likely to lead to illness.

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