Monday, August 29, 2016


staying fit during pregnancy

Like many other attitude, our thinking on fitness during pregnancy has changed in recent years.  No longer is a pregnant woman treated as fragile.  A woman needs to be quite careful when carrying a baby, but these days a doctor is more likely to advise against a sedentary lifestyle for a healthy pregnant woman.  Exercise during pregnancy can increase a woman’s muscle strength, making delivery of the baby easier and faster.  Exercise can also help control her weight, making it easier to get back to normal weight after delivery.  The baby may benefit from mother’s exercise program as well.

Importance of Exercise for Pregnant Women

Exercise in general is beneficial to human body, and it is even more important for pregnant women to exercise regularly. 



Along with six necessary elements to include in your fitness program, you should consider many additional issues when you start a fitness program.

Should I see My Doctor Before I get Started?

This issue has probably kept thousands of people from ever beginning a fitness program.  The hassle and expense of getting a comprehensive physical examination is an excellent excuse for people who are not completely sold on the idea of exercise.  We should state that it is highly desirable to have regular checkups with your family physician as part of your overall health plan.  However, the question still applies to many.  The surgeon General suggested that most adults can safely increase their activity level to a moderate amount without the need for a comprehensive medical evaluation. 


developing cardio respiratory fitness program

For people of all ages, cardio respiratory conditioning can be achieved through many activities.  As long as the activity you choose places sufficient demand on the heart and lungs, improved fitness is possible.  In addition to the familiar activities of swimming, running, cycling, and aerobic dance, many people today are participating in brisk walking, rollerblading, cross-country skiing, swimnastics, skating, rowing, and even weight training (often combined with some form of aerobic activity).  Regardless of age or physical limitations, you can select from a variety of enjoyable activities that will condition the cardio respiratory system.

Many people think that any kind of physical activity will produce cardio respiratory fitness. 



Take the following precautions to reduce the possibility of injury during stretching:

·         Warm up using a slow jog or fast walk before stretching.

·         Stretch only to point at which you feel tightness or resistance to your stretching.  Stretching should not be painful.  Hold the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds.

·         Be sure to continue normal breathing during a stretch.  Do not hold your breath.

·         Use caution when stretching muscles that surround painful joints.  Pain is an indication that something is wrong – it should not be ignored.


aerobic fitness

Aerobic fitness can help you to do the following:

  • Complete and enjoy your daily activities.
  • Strengthen and increase the efficiency of your heart muscle.
  • Increase the proportion of high- destiny lipoproteins in your blood.
  • Increase the capillary network in your body.
  • Improve collateral circulation.
  • Control your weight.
  • Stimulate bone growth.
  • Cope with stressors.
  • Ward off infections.
  • Improve the efficiency of your other body system.
  • Bolster your self-esteem.
  • Achieve self-directed fitness goals.
  • Reduce negative dependence behavior.
  • Sleep better.
  • Recover more quickly from common illness.
  • Meet people with similar interests.
  • Receive reduced insurance premiums.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


aging physically

The period between 45 and 64 years of age brings with it a variety of subtle changes in the body’s structure and function.  When life is busy and mind is active, these changes are generally not evident.  Even when they become evident, they are not usually the source of profound concern.  Your parents, older students in your class, and people with whom you will be working are, nevertheless, experiencing these changes.


components of physical fitness

Physical fitness is characterized by the ability to perform occupational and recreational activities without becoming unduly fatigued and to have the capacity to handle unforeseen emergencies.  The following sections focus on cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.

These characteristics of physical fitness can be categorized as health-related physical fitness.


physically fit

When your day begins early in the morning, then you go to class or work or immerse yourself in recreational activities, and your day does not end until after midnight, you must be physically fit to keep up the pace.  Even a highly motivated college student must have a conditioned, rested body to maintain such as schedule.

OOK, let’s simplify things a bit.  The paragraph above reflects how college health professors might view the value of fitness – it helps people function well enough to cope with their hectic lifestyles.  But what motivates students to value physical fitness? 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


aftermath of 9/11

Certainly our country as a whole experienced a great deal of stress from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.  A poll of 560 adults conducted 3 to 5 days after Sept. 11 showed that 44 percent of adults reported one or more substantial symptoms of stress, such as having difficulty concentrating, having trouble falling or staying asleep, and feeling irritable or having angry outbursts.  Children have also suffered increased stress from these events, reporting more nightmares and feeling more worried about their own safety since 9/11.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


stress effective coping

The research on how people cope with crisis and stress in their lives has shown that people tend to resolve problems within 2 weeks of experiencing a crisis.  Because stress involves a disruption in your equilibrium, and the body does not function well in a chronic state of disequilibrium, it is human nature to seek a way to alleviate the stress your body is experiencing and return to a steady state.  Our bodies cannot function for very long in the fight or flight response without serious damage, and so you will naturally strive to make changes to resolve the stress for survival.


perfectionism image

Perfectionism leads to undue stress, because perfection is an unattainable goal.  By setting the standard at perfect, you will set yourself up to fail.  Perfectionists tend to be their own worst critic; they are harder on themselves than anyone else is on them, and they are also critical of others.  These individuals are described as neat and organized, seeming to “have it all together” and to be able to do more than most people and do it exceptionally well.  Often people envy perfectionistic people because they seem very confident and competent; however, individuals who are perfectionist never feel good enough and often feel out of control in their lives.


time management

An overwhelming number of students identify time management as the reason for their academic success or failure.  Setting priorities and goals, balancing academic life with your social life, and finding time for sleeping, eating, exercising, and working along with studying is an essential aspect of managing your stress effectively.

Time Management

Managing your time effectively can help you cope with your stress by feeling more in control, having a sense of accomplishment, and having a sense of purpose in your life.  Establishing good time management habits can take 2 to 3 weeks.


student stress

Going to college has been likened to “crossing into a new culture,” and there are unique challenges and stressors that students face.  Similar to going to live in another country, students must learn new customs and traditions, new ways of doing things, a new language, and must leave comfortable and familiar surroundings.  This can cause a high level of stress for students, many of whom have left their support system behind to live in a place where they know few people.

Coping with Homesickness

Homesickness is one of the most common problems facing college students which is understandable given that you are separated from your friends and family and learning to live in an entirely new environment.  When undergoing a great deal of change in your life, it is helpful to have the comfort and security of your home base remaining stable and consistent.  Moving from home to college can disrupt this sense of safety.


costs and benefits of stress image

Stress can be costly, taking a toll on our physical and mental health as well as our finances.

Constant arousal and increased levels of adrenaline in your system will eventually wear down your body’s immunological system.  As this occurs, you will be less able to cope with stress, and so it takes less and less to cause a stress reaction.  When you are chronically stressed, it takes very little to frustrate you and you feel easily irritated and stressed at the littlest thing.  Your body is both psychologically as well as physically less able to cope with stress.  This can cause your immune system to become compromised, and you may become ill more easily.  It may also take longer for you to recover from illness.  There are variety of medical problems that have been associated with stress, such as cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal problems, sleep disorders, sexual dysfunction, infertility, and allergies.

While too much stress can have a negative impact and cause some serious health problems, a moderate level of stress is positive and beneficial.  Stress can be very motivating and energizing.  Without some stress, many of us may not get much accomplished in our day or even get out of bed!  Too little and too much stress is not helpful.  When you are not stressed at all, you can be apathetic and lethargic.  When you are too stressed, you are paralyzed with fear, like deer in the headlights.  This is referred to as the Yerkes-Dodson Law that shows a bell shaped curve demonstrating that there is an optimal level of stress for peak performance.  This holds true for any type of performance from academic or work activities to music or athletics.  Recognizing your appropriate level of stress for your ideal performance level is important in reaching your potential.  


sources of stress

There are other causes of stress besides experiencing positive or negative events in your life.  What events or situations trigger stress for you?  For some it is financial worries, for others it might be relationship conflict, and for others it is work - related stress. 