Friday, October 21, 2016


Lifestyle, food and daily activities of man are some of the things that causes the vast majority of men and women have the weight or thickness excessively and sometimes have caul.

These problems have been encountered by people of both sexes and ease deprive many women who reach the point of use slimming belt to reduce stomach or hyperactivity through various means to reduce the issue to them.

Due to the growing problem, have caused many medications purported to be able to reduce the caul and overweight, but health experts warn that it is toxic.

Many scientific studies show that these drugs have largely chemicals such as phentermine, sibutramine, phenolphthalein, caffein, hydroxycitric acid (HCA) and senna which have serious consequences for human health.

Dk. Phil McGraw says some of these drugs affect parts of the brain responsible for appetite. "Appetite is important for the health and quality of life. Any drug which attacks the appetite for a long period can cause harmful health effects," says Dr. Phil.

Mother weighing 108 kg, Doreen Shayo says she has been trying to use medicines which reduce body weight, but she suffered from a high fever which endangered her life after a week, so she could not continue with the same dose.

"I influenced to buy that medicine for reducing body weight and I was advised to eat vegetables, fruits and water in abundance during the dose, I was eating carbohydrates or full meal. I got a sudden fever, doctors suggest that drugs that were not nice to me so simply leave them, at that time I had 120kg but I loosed weight due to the instructions of the doctors, "says Doreen.

Some health specialists say the human impulse that incites drugs oiled diarrhea characters at the same time, it is the wrong way which also affects some organs inside the belly, while its impact takes place several years later.

Physician of alternative therapies from the center Fore Plan Clinic, Juma Mwaka says, In a large percentage of drugs used to reduce caul and body thickness rapidly are toxic.

Dk. Samuel Shita from Mwananyamala Hospital, Tanzania says usually diarrhea causes reduction of plenty of water and organic body and thus affects the function of cells and the nervous system.

"The drugs most not permitted to be used by the Ministry of Health and not taken hold that it is appropriate for human consumption, but people use them and its effects are starting to emerge after taking them and person start to have a severe diarrhea and he thinks he has the oil but that is fluids which dwelling in stomach that helps the stomach to work.

"Research shows that people who prefer to eat in larger restaurants taking the lead with big bodies, the technology exists and pharmaceutical services consumed should be a case study for more than 10 years. There are many side effects that can overtake people, including the kidney, heart, liver and blood vessels. "

Dr. Shita says there are appropriate ways to reduce stomach that is also safe. "Someone should do light exercises and proper use of food, we should minimize excessively starchy foods, sugar and oil. We also need to reduce exposure to animal fats that contain multiple Cholesterol intake and arbitrary."

She says soda, candy and chocolate are foods that they should not be used excessively.

Mwaka mentions appropriate measures to reduce the caul and remove toxins from the body, saying: "Use the juice of cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes every day for a month and poisons are running out."

However, he said when someone eat food, the food must be finished in a stomach before taking another one, otherwise he had kept the toxins from the body because he have plenty of food residue for approximately even of one year.

"The organ which is used to store food, can store food for a long time, which is why humans die when they lack food for several days. Among the things that make you remove toxins from the body is to follow the rules of consumerism and natural way to remove the poison and not the fastest ways because they have effects, "he said.

Experts of medicine Deborah Mitchel and David Dadson, in their book published in 2002 of "The Diet Pill Guide: The Consumer's Book of Over-the-Counter and Prescription Weight -Loss Pills and Supplements," they say:

"Although the evidence of these drugs is on the rise, yet many people are led to believe falsely that they will work. However, people also continue to believe that these drugs derived from plants and are safe natural medicines which are being done extensive research and validated by regulatory authorities and medications safety like other medicines."

Ways To Reduce The Caul

Dk. Mwaka said hot water application seriously has the potential to reduce caul, stomach or greater body weight by 60 percent.

"Hot water has the potential to reduce stomach for more than 60 percent, all you have to do is boil it be lukewarm and drink glasses of four to six and it must be in the middle of the meal to meal that is why there are people who advise to drink morning or in the middle of the meal last night and that will going to eat later."

"But the more difficult it is there where before you go to brush you have to drink this water. We get vitamin B12 that is created in the mouth when human is sleeping, with one of the vitamin helping digestion of the food."

He says the problem of many to stay with food for a long time in the stomach, it is also one of the reasons to have a big belly that is to have extra belly fat and others have much food entered than they give out.

"In the morning before brushing the teeth and removing the vitamin in the mouth, drink with water, drink warm water glasses of four to six every day you woke up this morning series until 21 days, after the time did so for some time and when doing so also avoid things that will keep you to have the big stomach so that you do not have to bathe and anoint themselves with mud, "he said, adding that reducing starchy foods is one way that will make the person get a quick response.


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